
Resources can be reloaded in a variety of ways.

Resetting Resources

If you have a resource that you want to re-set when a reload occurs, you can do so using either app.reset_resource::<R: Resource + Default>() or app.reset_resource_to_value::<R: Resource>(value: R) within a reloadable scope. This will cause the resource to be removed and re-initialized when new coad is loaded.

Serializable Resources

If you have a resource that you want to serialize and de-serialize, allowing you to maintain it's state while evolving it's schema.

You initialize the resource by using either app.init_serializable_resource::<R: ReplacableType + Resource + Default>() or app.insert_serializable_resource::<R: ReplacableType + Resource>(initializer: impl 'static + Send + Sync + Fn() -> R)

You can also mark a resource type as serializable without actively adding a copy of it to the application using app.register_serializable_resource::<R: ReplacableType + Resource>(). This will only serialize/deserialize the resource if it existins at the time of the reload.

  • using serde and implementing SerializableResource. This approach relies on rmp_serde to serialize and deserialize the resource.

    fn main() {
      #[derive(Resource, Serialize, Deserialize)]
      struct MyResource(String);
      impl SerializableType for MyResource {
          fn get_type_name() -> &'static str {
  • implementing ReplacableType yourself:

    fn main() {
    struct MyResource(String);
    impl ReplacableType for MyResource {
      fn get_type_name() -> &'static str {
      fn to_vec(&self) -> bevy_dexterous_developer::Result<Vec<u8>> {
      fn from_slice(val: &[u8]) -> bevy_dexterous_developer::Result<Self> {