
Setting Up States

The states you define within a reloadable scope need to be either SerializableType or ReplacableType - but otherwise their behaviour should match native bevy states. Note that no transition gets triggered upon the initial change - so if you changed the logic for a sub states existance or a computed state's compute function you may need to trigger the transitions manually..

For Freely Mutable States, call app.init_state<S: FreelyMutableState + ReplacableType + Default>() or app.insert_state<S: FreelyMutableState + ReplacableType>(initial: S) within a reloadable scope.

For Sub States, call app.add_sub_state<S: SubStates + ReplacableTypes>(), and for Computed States call app.add_computed_state<S: ComputedState + ReplacableTypes>().

![Note] ReplacableTypes is required for computed states to avoid having to re-trigger transitions while retaining the current value. Otherwise, we would need to Exit all reloadable states before a reload and re-enter the new states after - which could re-set elements of state you want to keep. Instead, handle any such re-sets with app.reset_setup_in_state with the help of marker components.

You can either implement SerializableType:


fn main() {
#[derive(States, Debug, Default, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum MyState {

impl SerializableType for MyState {
    fn get_type_name() -> &'static str {

or ReplacableType directly:


fn main() {
#[derive(States, Debug, Default, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
enum MyState {

impl ReplacableType for MyState {
    fn get_type_name() -> &'static str {

    fn to_vec(&self) -> bevy_dexterous_developer::Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let value = match self {
            MyState::InitialState => [0],
            MyState::AnotherState => [1],

    fn from_slice(val: &[u8]) -> bevy_dexterous_developer::Result<Self> {
        let value = if let Some(val) = val.get(0) {
            if *val == 1 {
            } else {
        } else {

State Scoped Entities

For most contexts, you will want to use reset_setup_in_state<C: Component, S: States, M>(state: S, systems) instead - this combines running systems in OnEnter or upon reload, and despawning entities marked with C (and their descendents) OnExit or OnReload.

However, if you want a Scoped entity that doesn't despwan, but instead remains so long as you are in the given state across reloads, you can also use enable_state_scoped_entities<S: States + ReplacableType>() just as you would outside the reloadable scope, and then add StateScoped(value: S) to any entities you care about here.