
Bevy is an open-source game engine built in Rust, and is the origianl usecase for Dexterous Developer. As a result, it's adapter provides a wide set of supported features.

Supported Features


Note that you cannot use Resources, Components, Events or States registered in a reloadable scope outside of the elements systems tied to that scope. Otherwise, you run the risk of running into undefined behaviour.

For example:

fn main() {
reloadable_main!((initial_plugins) {
         // This will fail after reload since it queries MyComponent, which
         // is registered as a serializable component.
        .add_systems(Update, count_components)

#[derive(Component, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct MyComponent;

impl SerializableType for MyComponent {
    fn get_type_name() -> &'static str {

reloadable_scope!(reloadable(app) {
        // Instead, place any systems that rely on elements that are reloadable
        // within the reloadable scope.
        .add_systems(Update, count_components);

fn count_components(query: Query<&MyComponent>) {


This is because reloadable elements will be replaced with potentailly different types, but the systems registered in reloadable_main will keep using the old version.