Use with the CLI

The CLI provides a bunch of supporting functionality.


The run command allows you to launch a package in hot reload mode.

If you are working in a non-workspace package, you can just run dexterous_developer_cli run. If you are working in a workspace with multiple libraries set up, you will need to specify the package containing your game with dexterous_developer_cli run -p PACKAGE_NAME. If you want to enable or disable features, use --features to add the ones you want. Note that "bevy/dynamic_linking" and "dexterous_developer/hot_internal" will always be added, since they are required for the reloading capacity to work. Another option is to use --example EXAMPLE_NAME - which will run the example as hot-reloadable, assuming the example is set up as a dylib. Note - this does not work if the crate itself is set as a dylib - so it's best to rely on the CLI's ability to use a temporary Cargo.toml when needed.


The serve commands sets up a hot-reload build server, allowing you to connect to it via the remote command on another machine or serve from a dev container and run the application on the host. Currently it only supports cross compiling from Linux to Windows, otherwise both devices must be of the same platform.


This is the compliment to the serve command.

Install Cross

The install-cross installs the rust targets required for cross compilation. If you want to use a MacOS target, you need to provide the URL of a macos sdk. All cross compilation is based on Cross - and so requires either docker or podman.

Run Existing & Compile Libs

The compile-libs command creates the same libraries as the compiler for "serve", while run-existing can take a directory with the appropriate libraries and run it. This is mainly there to allow testing cross-platform builds in CI, but can also be used to run the most-recently served version of the application without re-connecting to the server.