
Grab the CLI by running: cargo install dexterous_developer_cli.

You'll be able to run the dexterous verion of your code by running dexterous_developer_cli run in your terminal.

In your Cargo.toml add the following:

name = "lib_THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_GAME"
path = "src/"
crate-type = ["rlib"]

bevy = "0.13"
dexterous_developer = "0.1"
serde = "1" # If you want the serialization capacities

hot_reload_features = ["bevy/dynamic_linking", "bevy/embedded_watcher"] # this injects these features into the build, enabling the use of bevy's dynamic linking and asset hot reload capacity.

If your game is not a library yet, move all your main logic to rather than Then, in your - call the bevy_main function:

fn main() {

and in your, your main function should become:

fn main() {
pub fn bevy_main(initial_plugins: impl InitialPlugins) {
        .add_plugins(initial_plugins.initialize::<DefaultPlugins>()) // You can use either DefaultPlugins or MinimnalPlugins here, and use "set" on this as you would with them
    // Here you can do what you'd normally do with app
    // ... and so on

You might also want the following in your .cargo/config.toml:

# Optional: Uncommenting the following improves compile times, but reduces the amount of debug info to 'line number tables only'
# In most cases the gains are negligible, but if you are on macos and have slow compile times you should see significant gains.
#debug = 1

# Enable a small amount of optimization in debug mode
opt-level = 1

# Enable high optimizations for dependencies (incl. Bevy), but not for our code:
opt-level = 3

opt-level = 3
debug-assertions = false

Note that the CLI will automatically add some additional build flags for dynamic linking, but you can include them in the config.toml as well:

# Add the contents of this file to `config.toml` to enable "fast build" configuration. Please read the notes below.

# NOTE: For maximum performance, build using a nightly compiler
# If you are using rust stable, remove the "-Zshare-generics=y" below.

linker = "clang"
rustflags = ["-Clink-arg=-fuse-ld=lld", "-Zshare-generics=y"]

# NOTE: you must install [Mach-O LLD Port]( on mac. you can easily do this by installing llvm which includes lld with the "brew" package manager:
# `brew install llvm`
rustflags = [

rustflags = [

linker = "rust-lld.exe"
rustflags = ["-Zshare-generics=n"]